It is no secret that there’s something special about Mi Casa Es Tu Casa®, but what exactly is it that makes our program so different from anything else out there?
Find out as Mi Casa Es Tu Casa® founder and director, Laura Bruce, sits down with Maritere and Erica from Mamas411 podcast for an in-depth Spanish.
Our invitation from Mamas411 podcast came during the flurry around our 2nd Latin Grammy nomination for Best Latin Children's album. And we were honored to make space to have a real conversation about the heart of Mi Casa Es Tu Casa®.
Spoiler alert: Music is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our program. In this episode, we go deep into the neuroscience, the psychology, and the significance of bonding with your child during the first 5 years of life, which is why our unique wrap-around approach integrates mindful family living.
If you're interested in raising a bilingual child, make yourself a cup of tea and grab your AirPods!
For families that have been wanting to try Mi Casa Es Tu Casa®'s Spanish immersion program for babies and toddlers, there's a surprise inside for you!
Don't miss it! Download the episode here.